Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Trying to make a difference?

Most of us who believe in healthy living and limit our exposure to harmful, chemical filled, food-like products want the rest of our families and loved ones to make the same choices. Sometimes we are able to initiate change and awareness, while other times our caring falls upon deaf ears. Do not get discouraged from making a difference if your circle of loved ones is not open to listening and learning; sometimes reaching out through the masses and participating in petitions or campaigns will reach those around you.

I have an account with Change.org linked to an email address I only use for petitions and such. This way I don't overload my work and personal email with my petition updates since Change.org will keep you involved and updated on any of the petitions you're passionate about. There are tons of ways for society to show support for a more healthy and Eco-friendly lifestyle, Change.org is just one of the many ways the Erthi.com community can show active support for our goals.

Check out our helpful category listings of the many petitions you can support below!

Healthy Foods
Here is a list of petitions surrounding sustainable foods
Here is a list of petitions surrounding the Organic market 
Here is a list of petitions surrounding Non-GMO foods

Renewable Energy
Here is a list of petitions to stop nuclear energy
Here is a list of several petitions supporting solar energy
Here are several petitions surrounding renewable energy

Petitions against Monstanto here

Environmental petitions here

Animal Rights/Cruelty Free
Here is a list of petitions surrounding cruelty free products
Here is a list of petitions surrounding animal testing
Here is a list of petitions surrounding animal ingredients

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