Monday, September 1, 2014

Building a pre-launch community around

I am an avid believer in holistic, organic, ecologically friendly and healthy lifestyles. People who make healthier choices for themselves and our planet need to be celebrated and encouraged to lead by example.

Having a career history with large IT and software companies I have been aware of the lack of web based tools available to manage a healthy lifestyle. Since having my daughter in December of 2012 I have resigned from the corporate lifestyle and have found my calling in the 'Green Market.' Through my own transition into a holistic and organic lifestyle I have found an extreme lack of available content management tools. There are tons of sources for content and ''how to's' but nothing out there really allowed me to manage the bigger picture including my personal goals, obstacles, relevant resources and information. It is my goal to bring web services up to par for the Green Market.

Through blog, Facebook and Twitter, aims to build community, gather sources and content relevant to the growing community and apply community feedback prior to launching our first toolkit. has a lot coming down the pipline over the next year and I am excited to share my passions and career knowledge with the growing Green Market.

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