Monday, September 1, 2014; Why, Who and What we care about most!

Our planet is a very precious source of life and our daily choices impact the future safety of all Earth's life forms. Meeting the needs of green minded consumers is our number one priority because green purchasing power and success of green resources is what will bring change in our agriculture, grocery, retail, manufacturing, IT, distribution and production industries.

What does green mean to us? Ecologically friendly, cruelty free, biodegradable, organic, self-sustaining, holistic, active, renewable energy, 'reduce, reuse & recycle,' plant based diets, composting and anything else that keeps life renewing and removes harmful chemical contact.

Bringing useful resources, tools and content to your finger tips through the newest web based technology is who we aim to be. By commenting on our content and completing our surveys you are providing us with valuable information to help meet YOUR NEEDS and be RELEVANT TO YOUR LIFE from DAY ONE. Help us spread the word by sharing, liking and posting our content on your social media outlets. When we build a large green community together we have a large green voice.

Erthi; Everyone Rally Together Here Intellectually

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